Study completed at Capio S:t Göran’s hospital showing significantly lower frequency of hemolysed blood samples at the emergency care unit when using Hemcheck’s product concept


Hemcheck Sweden AB and Capio S:t Göran’s hospital have finalised the study at the emergency care unit, to evaluate if Hemcheck’s product concept can lower the hemolysis rate in hemolysis sensitive blood samples sent to the central laboratory.

The result from the study is that 758 blood samples concerning electrolyte status have been included and that the frequency of hemolysis is 54% lower in these blood samples than the average for this type of blood samples during 2018 (3.7% compared to 8.0%).

There are three main types of reasons for blood samples to be hemolysed when they reach the central laboratory: that the blood has hemolysed inside the body, so called in-vivo hemolysis; blood sampling related hemolysis; as well as post blood sampling handling and transport related hemolysis. In addition, there are sources of error linked to different measurement techniques and that issues also can arise during the actual blood analysis as well, at the central laboratory.

Hemcheck’s v-Test which Capio S:t Göran has used is designed to directly at the patient side identify hemolysed blood samples and thus enable a reduction of the frequency of hemolysed blood samples reaching the central laboratory, caused by the blood sampling.

–It is very positive that we have reached this result since the expectations from Capio and us at Hemcheck was that a good result would be to reduce the frequency of hemolysis by half, since we could not impact all sources of error. In addition, we have during the study identified a number of prospective improvement areas which have potential to further improve the result, should Capio move ahead and purchase our solution, says Joen Averstad, CEO of Hemcheck.

–We are very satisfied with how the study was done where the personnel have fully embraced the way of working and the timeframe has been kept. We would highly value the possibility to reduce the frequency of hemolysis so drastically that is shown in this study, which has been performed during live conditions. We also value the additional opportunities to improve our flows and processes, which Hemcheck has been part of to identify during the study. We will now discuss internally and with Hemcheck how to move on from here, says Göran Örnung, Head of the emergency medicine clinic at Capio S:t Göran’s Hospital.

For further information contact:

Hemcheck Sweden AB (publ)

Joen Averstad, CEO

Tel: +46 76 108 8191


About Capio S:t Göran’s Hospital

Capio S:t Göran’s Hospital is an emergency hospital for adult patients, located at Kungsholmen in Stockholm. The hospital is Stockholm’s most centrally located emergency hospital and one of the country’s largest in terms of the number of emergency patients. In 2019, more than 100,000 visits were done at the emergency care unit. Capio S:t Göran’s Hospital is part of Capio, which in turn is part of Ramsay Générale de Santé, a leading European healthcare provider operating 235 hospitals around the world.

About Hemcheck

Hemcheck Sweden AB, founded in 2010, produces and commercializes a patented CE-marked concept for point of care hemolysis detection. The concept consists of disposable tests as well as readers that can very quickly, directly upon sampling, identify hemolysed blood samples in vacuum tubes and blood gas syringes. Hemolysis, ruptured red blood cells, is the most common reason globally why blood samples cannot be analyzed accurately. Hemcheck’s goal is to contribute to improved healthcare by offering user-friendly services for the detection of hemolysed blood samples in direct connection with blood sampling. By doing so, Hemcheck can contribute to increased patient safety, more efficient processes and lower costs. The company is based in Karlstad and is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market.

FNCA Sweden AB, 08-528 00 399, info@fnca, is the Certified Adviser to the company.

Important information

This information is such information that Hemcheck is required to disclose in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR). The information was submitted, for publication by the above contact person, for publication on January 9, 2020 at 16.00