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“Hemolysis is an important issue especially for Accident and Emergency departments and ICUs. Quickly detecting hemolysis significantly improves patient care and reduces our workload”

The Problem – Hemolysis

Hemolysis, or the rupturing of red blood cells, is the most common reason why a blood sample is deemed unfit for laboratory analysis. Every year, billions of blood samples are taken globally that are hemolyzed, while the majority of all medical decisions are based on results from blood test analysis. Missing or incorrect test results can lead to delayed treatment, spiraling healthcare costs, increased workloads for healthcare professionals and above all, unnecessary suffering for patients.

For point of care analyses, such as blood gas analyses, results are released without checking for hemolysis. At the same time, there is scientific evidence that a large amount of blood samples are hemolysed and that hemolysis changes the analysis results for important analytes. For example, the analysis results may be falsely normal, while the actual values are completely different. This can lead to missing, incorrect or delayed care for patients with acute conditions.

For some patient groups intravascular hemolysis is an important problem which can lead to adverse outcomes, and that needs to be detected and treated.

The Concept – Product

Hemcheck operations are based around the Helge product concept. The product consists of three different disposable tests, v-Test for vacuum tubes and s-Test and bgs-Test for blood gas syringes, both of which can be used in the same reader. With a simple push of a button, the reader quickly shows if the blood sample is hemolyzed or not. The aim is to identify hemolyzed blood samples at the time of sampling (point of care) and with the same quality as a laboratory. With an accessory screen connected to the reader, the user can determine the amount of free hemoglobin in the blood sample. The Hemcheck test has been under development for several years and has originated out of need, innovation and user-friendliness. Its CE-marked and patented.

This is how it works

The single-use test is used by adding a small amount of blood to the disposable test device, where the plasma or serum is then separated. The disposable test is then placed in the digital reader and within a few seconds the blood is analysed for hemolysis. The reader then signals if the sample is hemolyzed or not, and if the accessory screen is used and connected to the reader, it will provide a quantitative value of the amount of free hemoglobin (fHb) in the blood sample.

v-Test – disposable test for vacuum tubes

Single-use tests for vacuum tubes are possible using a cylinder-shaped plastic housing with reading windows adapted for the digital reader. The cap on the test tube does not need to be removed and the test is instead activated by penetrating a needle through the test tube cap. A needle guard protects the user.

s-Test and bgs-Test – disposable tests for blood gas syringes

Today’s instruments for blood gas analysis lacks technical prerequisites for detecting hemolyzed blood samples, even though results are impacted by hemolysis. The purpose of the tests is to provide opportunity for improved safety in blood gas analyses – the same quality as laboratory tests but with faster and easier results.

Technical Description: Single-use tests for blood gas syringes has a reading window adapted for the digital reader. The blood gas syringe is placed in an opening on the top of the test and a small amount of blood is dispensed into the test and then placed in the reader. The difference between the s-Test and bgs-Test is that the bgs-Test has some additional features such as it can accommodate more blood volume, act as an airtight cap and also allow ventilation of the blood gas syringe.

A common reader

For easy and user-friendly reading of disposable v-, bgs- and s-Tests, there is a common reader that, with a simple push of a button, signals if the blood sample is Hemolyzed or not.
The reader is activated with the pressing a button, starting the evaluation of the disposable test. A photometric analysis of plasma / serum is performed. The answer is communicated through a red or a green lamp. With the accessory screen connected, quantitative values of fHb are displayed.
The reader is mobile, easy to clean and can easily sit on a trolley or next to a blood gas analysis instrument. Today it can take up to one hour for a blood sample result to come back from the laboratory to the sampler. Helge performs the same analysis in a matter of seconds, opening up new possibilities for assessing blood sample quality and helping determining patient diagnosis.


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