Blood sampling free from hemolysis - let Hemcheck´s vision become your reality

Hemcheck’s vision is to create hemolysis free blood sampling! With Hemcheck’s point of care hemolysis test you now have the opportunity to take a big step towards realizing this vision.

The system, which is called Helge, aims to improve the sample and patient flows within the healthcare system by ensuring that the quality of the blood sample is to be analyzed already in connection with the blood collection procedure. If Helge shows that the sample is hemolyzed, a new blood sample is taken from the existing needle or peripheral venous catheter while the patient is still in place. Hence, a retake of the blood sample at a later time due to hemolysis can be avoided.

By detecting that the blood sample is free from hemolysis at the point of care, time-consuming delays can be eliminated and correct analysis results can be obtained directly, which enables rapid and correct diagnosis to be made and that the right treatment can be given to the patient immediately. Helge thus contributes to increased analytical and patient safety, increased time gains and reduced healthcare costs. The system can also be used to determine the amount of free hemoglobin (fHb) in the blood to help diagnose patients and also speed up these care processes.

Hemcheck supports you in taking a holistic approach to the hemolysis issue by offering a point of care solution for detection of hemolyzed samples and quantification of free hemoglobin in blood. We are also providing services for evaluation of pneumatic tube transportation systems and training in pre-analytics with main focus on hemolysis.

Helge is offered in two ways, either as a direct sale of the reader, screen and consumables or as a monthly subscription based on your specific needs for disposable tests for blood samples in vacuum tubes and in blood gas syringes as well as the number of screens and readers.

For additional information about the different services in our offer, please contact us for further discussions and business proposals.

Let Hemcheck’s vision become your reality!

Contact us for more information.